Watch Muttertag (1992) Full Movie Online Streaming
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Muttertag (1992)
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Vorbereitungen zu einem ganz normalen Muttertag bei den Neugebauers in einer heruntergekommenen Wiener Gemeindebau-Wohnung: Doch statt eines gewöhnlichen Familienfests wird ein Blick in die abgründigen Tiefen und Geheimnisse der Familie Neugebauer geworfen.
Characters : Mischa Neugebauer | Polizist Gratzl
Characters : Edwin Neugebauer | Postler | Nachbarjunge 2
Characters : Trude Neugebauer | Postlerin | Jungscharbetreuerin
Characters : Evelyn Schöbinger | Kassiererin Haberl
Characters : Opa Neugebauer | spitzbärtiger Nachbar | Briefträger Zapletal | Nachbarjunge 1 | bewaffneter Drogeriemarkt-Kunde | Pfarrer
Characters : Herr Schwalbach
Characters : Detective Uebleis
Characters : Gerti Gratzl / Friseuse
As Production / Executive Producer
Name : Heinz Scheiderbauer
As Sound / Original Music Composer
As Sound / Original Music Composer
As Sound / Original Music Composer
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Muttertag (1993)
Director : Harald Sicheritz
Release Date : 1993
Cast : Alfred Dorfer as Mischa Neugebauer / Polizist Gratzl, Reinhard Nowak as Edwin Neugebauer / Postler / Nachbarjunge 2, Andrea Händler as Trude Neugebauer / Postlerin / Jungscharbetreuerin, Eva Billisich as Evelyn Schöbinger / Kassiererin Haberl, Roland Düringer as Opa Neugebauer / spitzbärtiger Nachbar / Briefträger Zapletal / Nachbarjunge 1 / bewaffneter Drogeriemarkt-Kunde / Pfarrer, Karl Künstler as Herr Schwalbach, Silvia Fenz as Frau Habitzl, Beatrice Frey as Frau Klein (as Bea Frey), Gudrun Tielsch as Verwirrte, Lukas Resetarits as Sandler, Willi Resetarits as Thief, I. Stangl as Sandler, Herwig Seeböck as Detective Uebleis (Icebear), Monica Weinzettl as Gerti Gratzl / Friseuse, Walter Kordesch as Polizist, Niki List as Driver, Karl Markovics as Schaffner, Fritz Muliar as Mayor, Günther Paal as Junkie, Hanno Pöschl as Sportcar driver Bettina Barth-Wehrenalp as Frau Schmidt (as Bettina Barth), Martin Beck as Herr Schmidt, Peter Berecz as Rentner, Alexander Biedermann as Stadtindianer, Peter Blau as Chorsänger, Boris Borutta as Stadtindianer, Haymon Maria Buttinger as Hetzer, Lenny Dickson as Schlagzeuger, Hannes Flaschberger as Lieferant, Martin Forster as Stadtindianer, Markus Garner as Gitarrist, Helmut Gebeshuber as Ladendieb, Johann Gundacker as Modellflugkünstler, Peter Herrmann as Gitarrist, Tini Kainrath as Frau Müller, Georges Kern as Polizist, Josef Kiefer as Grapscher, Barbara Klein as Rentnerin, Lotte Loebenstein as Frau Schwalbach, Barbara Löw as Jungscharmädchen, Mandy as Sänger im Hotel, Nicole Nell as Sekretärin, Roland Neuwirth as Philosoph, Benjamin Olesko as Müller junior, Robert Perez as Chorsänger, Karl Pfeiffer as Herr Klein, Jutta Pichler as Chorsängerin, Leonhard Rogenhofer as Jungscharbub, Karoline Schellenberg as Stadtindianerin, Lothar Scherpe as Pianist, Harald Sicheritz as Bassist, Helmut Sicheritz as Gitarrist im Hotel, Barbara Spitz as Sängerin, Silvio Szücs as Herr Müller, Joschko Vlasic as Tankwart, Fritz von Friedl as Architekt
Run Time : 95 min
Company : Fernsehfilmproduktion Dr. Heinz Schneiderbauer
Harald Sicheritz
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Enthalten im Filmpaket: Harald Sicheritz
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Enthalten im Filmpaket: Reinhard Nowak
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Muttertag (1993)
Director : Harald Sicheritz
Release Date : 1993
Cast : Alfred Dorfer as Mischa Neugebauer / Polizist Gratzl, Reinhard Nowak as Edwin Neugebauer / Postler / Nachbarjunge 2, Andrea Händler as Trude Neugebauer / Postlerin / Jungscharbetreuerin, Eva Billisich as Evelyn Schöbinger / Kassiererin Haberl, Roland Düringer as Opa Neugebauer / spitzbärtiger Nachbar / Briefträger Zapletal / Nachbarjunge 1 / bewaffneter Drogeriemarkt-Kunde / Pfarrer, Karl Künstler as Herr Schwalbach, Silvia Fenz as Frau Habitzl, Beatrice Frey as Frau Klein (as Bea Frey), Gudrun Tielsch as Verwirrte, Lukas Resetarits as Sandler, Willi Resetarits as Thief, I. Stangl as Sandler, Herwig Seeböck as Detective Uebleis (Icebear), Monica Weinzettl as Gerti Gratzl / Friseuse, Walter Kordesch as Polizist, Niki List as Driver, Karl Markovics as Schaffner, Fritz Muliar as Mayor, Günther Paal as Junkie, Hanno Pöschl as Sportcar driver Bettina Barth-Wehrenalp as Frau Schmidt (as Bettina Barth), Martin Beck as Herr Schmidt, Peter Berecz as Rentner, Alexander Biedermann as Stadtindianer, Peter Blau as Chorsänger, Boris Borutta as Stadtindianer, Haymon Maria Buttinger as Hetzer, Lenny Dickson as Schlagzeuger, Hannes Flaschberger as Lieferant, Martin Forster as Stadtindianer, Markus Garner as Gitarrist, Helmut Gebeshuber as Ladendieb, Johann Gundacker as Modellflugkünstler, Peter Herrmann as Gitarrist, Tini Kainrath as Frau Müller, Georges Kern as Polizist, Josef Kiefer as Grapscher, Barbara Klein as Rentnerin, Lotte Loebenstein as Frau Schwalbach, Barbara Löw as Jungscharmädchen, Mandy as Sänger im Hotel, Nicole Nell as Sekretärin, Roland Neuwirth as Philosoph, Benjamin Olesko as Müller junior, Robert Perez as Chorsänger, Karl Pfeiffer as Herr Klein, Jutta Pichler as Chorsängerin, Leonhard Rogenhofer as Jungscharbub, Karoline Schellenberg as Stadtindianerin, Lothar Scherpe as Pianist, Harald Sicheritz as Bassist, Helmut Sicheritz as Gitarrist im Hotel, Barbara Spitz as Sängerin, Silvio Szücs as Herr Müller, Joschko Vlasic as Tankwart, Fritz von Friedl as Architekt
Run Time : 95 min
Company : Fernsehfilmproduktion Dr. Heinz Schneiderbauer
Muttertag (1993) - Watch Online. Directed by Harald Sicheritz
Alfred Dorfer (writer)
Roland Düringer (writer)
Harald Sicheritz (writer)
Streaming resources for this Harald Sicheritz Comedy Movie
电影: 母亲节 1993. 评分: 暂无 豆瓣: 暂无; 别名: Muttertag 地区: 奥地利 类型: 喜剧; 导演: Harald Sicheritz 主演: Alfred Dorfer / Reinhard Nowak; 总播放: 0 评论: 0 / 收藏: 0; 今日新增播放: 0 时长: 95分钟 指数:
Muttertag (1993), a film by Harald Sicheritz -Theiapolis
Starring Alfred Dorfer, Reinhard Nowak, Andrea Händler, Eva Billisich, Roland Düringer and Karl Künstler, «Muttertag» is 1993 Comedy film directed by Harald Sicheritz, and written by Peter Berecz, Alfred Dorfer, Roland Düringer and Harald Sicheritz.
Muttertag (1993) - IMDb
Directed by Harald Sicheritz. With Alfred Dorfer, Reinhard Nowak, Andrea Händler, Eva Billisich. A satirical take on the life of a family in a public housing complex in Vienna as they prepare for Mother's Day.
Muttertag (1993) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb
Muttertag (1993) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. IMDb . Harald Sicheritz. Bassist Helmut Sicheritz. Gitarrist im Hotel Barbara Spitz .
WTM | Muttertag (1993) - What the Movie
Muttertag (1993) Genre: Comedy; Director: Harald Sicheritz; . We are not yet sure which Characters in Muttertag are important. Why don't you help us out and mark the main Characters as important? Favourite Movie of. BO. CM. BO. 3 Lovers total | Show All. Stats.
Muttertag - Gedicht - YouTube
Gedicht aus dem Film "Muttertag" von Harald Sicheritz 1993.
Muttertag (1993) | Rinema
Muttertag is a 1993 Comedy film directed by Harald Sicheritz and starring Alfred Dorfer, Reinhard Nowak.
Watch Muttertag (1993) Online Full Length | Search Putlocker .
This movie was released in 1993 and directed by Harald Sicheritz. Also . Muttertag: Released: 1993: Film Genres: Comedy: Film Score: Film Director: Harald Sicheritz: Film Casts: Alfred Dorfer, Reinhard Nowak, Andrea Handler, Eva Billisich, Roland Duringer:
MUTTERTAG - Film / Movie
• Muttertag (1993) Soundtrack OST • - RingosTrack
★ Muttertag (1993) Soundtrack . Harald Sicheritz: writer Lothar Scherpe: composer Muttertag. Barbara Spitz: performer Harald Sicheritz: writer Lothar Scherpe: composer Ollas net woa. Roland Neuwirth: performer Related movies. .
muttertag 1993 - Torrentz
Directed by Harald Sicheritz. With Alfred Dorfer, Reinhard Nowak, Andrea Händler, Eva Billisich. A satirical take on the life of a family in a public housing complex in Vienna as they prepare for Mother's Day.
Muttertag - Harald Sicheritz (1993) : Österreich
Muttertag - Harald Sicheritz (1993) Originaltitel: Muttertag Herstellungsland: Österreich / 1993 Regie: Harald Sicheritz Darsteller: Alfred Dorfer, Roland Düringer, Andrea Händler, Eva Billisich, Reinhard Nowak, u.a.
SengSung: Streaming Online Muttertag 1993
Muttertag (1993) Year : 1993 Rating : 12 IMDB Score : 7.4 Release : N/A Duration : 1 h 35 min Genre : Comedy Director : Harald Sicheritz Writer : Peter Berecz, Alfred Dorfer
Muttertag (Mother's Day) (1993) - Listal
Muttertag (Mother's Day . Muttertag (Mother's Day) (1993) 4 Lists; 10 Pictures; 8 Videos; 8: Rating (7 ratings) 8: IMDB rating: Your Rating: Directed by. Harald Sicheritz. Starring . Alfred Dorfer. Mischa Neugebauer / Polizist Gratzl. Reinhard Nowak.
Muttertag (1993) - Filmdatenbank @
Muttertag (1993) (Satire, Österreich 1993) von Harald Sicheritz mit Reinhard Nowak, Andrea Händler, Alfred Dorfer
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Watch Muttertag (1993) online for free on - movie stream database! .
Watch "Muttertag" (1993) online download Muttertag on .
Muttertag ( 1993 ) Muttertag: No description . Currently 0.00/5 (0 votes) Released: June 10, 1993: Genres: Comedy: Director: Harald Sicheritz: Actors:
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Muttertag - World News
Muttertag, Muttertag Best of, Geschenkideen zum Muttertag! #Mommy'sDay, Muttertag Ausschnitt Opa, DIY: MUTTERTAG Dosenkuchen mit Überraschung, Muttertagsgeschenke basteln: Pop Up Cards zum Muttertag selber basteln Login .
Muttertag (1993) on Movie Collector Connect
Muttertag (1993) from Harald Sicheritz with Alfred Dorfer as Mischa Neugebauer / Polizist Gratzl
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Actors: Alfred Dorfer Lukas Resetarits Andrea Eckert
Directors: Harald Sicheritz
Writers: Alfred Dorfer Harald Sicheritz
Actors: Roland Düringer Nina Proll Rudolf Rohaczek
Directors: Harald Sicheritz
Writers: Roland Düringer Harald Sicheritz
Actors: Alfred Dorfer Roland Düringer Monica Weinzettl
Directors: Harald Sicheritz
Writers: Alfred Dorfer Roland Düringer Harald Sicheritz
Actors: Christian Schmidt Andreas Vitásek Barbara Rudnik
Directors: Niki List Hans Selikovsky
Writers: Niki List
Actors: Vera Borek Alfred Dorfer Marianne Mendt
Directors: Harald Sicheritz
Writers: Alfred Dorfer Helmut Qualtinger Harald Sicheritz
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Watch Muttertag (1992) Full Movie Online Streaming
Watch and download this movie in hight quality format HD (includes 720p and 1080p.)
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- Muttertag (1992)
Muttertag (1992)
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Vorbereitungen zu einem ganz normalen Muttertag bei den Neugebauers in einer heruntergekommenen Wiener Gemeindebau-Wohnung: Doch statt eines gewöhnlichen Familienfests wird ein Blick in die abgründigen Tiefen und Geheimnisse der Familie Neugebauer geworfen.
Characters : Mischa Neugebauer | Polizist Gratzl
Characters : Edwin Neugebauer | Postler | Nachbarjunge 2
Characters : Trude Neugebauer | Postlerin | Jungscharbetreuerin
Characters : Evelyn Schöbinger | Kassiererin Haberl
Characters : Opa Neugebauer | spitzbärtiger Nachbar | Briefträger Zapletal | Nachbarjunge 1 | bewaffneter Drogeriemarkt-Kunde | Pfarrer
Characters : Herr Schwalbach
Characters : Detective Uebleis
Characters : Gerti Gratzl / Friseuse
As Production / Executive Producer
Name : Heinz Scheiderbauer
As Sound / Original Music Composer
As Sound / Original Music Composer
As Sound / Original Music Composer
Grüße zum Muttertag
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The image "Grüße zum Muttertag" from racamani is available on Fotolia under a royalty-free license from 1 credit (Credit from $0.74).
Available in JPEG format, this image may be downloaded for all kinds of professional uses and in different resolutions (up to 5,184 x 3,456 pixels in 300 DPI)
The author of this picture, racamani also has 476 images in the same series.
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Alles Liebe zum Muttertag
Grüße zum Muttertag
Alles Liebe zum Muttertag
Am 08. Mai ist Muttertag
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Plot Summary (1)
A satirical take on the life of a family in a public housing complex in Vienna as they prepare for Mother's Day.
Cast and Crew
Mischa Neugebauer
Edwin Neugebauer
Trude Neugebauer
Evelyn Schöbinger
Opa Neugebauer
Herr Schwalbach
Frau Habitzl
(as Bea Frey)
Detective Uebleis (Icebear)
Gerti Gratzl
Trivia Facts
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Feiertage Kalender für 1993. . Muttertag: Sonntag, 9. Mai 1993 Halloween: Sonntag, 31. Oktober 1993 Martinstag: Donnerstag, 11. November 1993 Nikolaustag: Montag, 06.
Muttertag Online Stream Deutsch Kostenlos, Film anschauen Muttertag (1993) kostenlos
Watch Muttertag (1993) Movies Online a satirical take on the life of a family in a public housing complex in vienna as they prepare for mothers day
Titel: Muttertag Genre: Komödie | Laufzeit: 92 Min. | Sprache/n: Deutsch Format: MPEG-4 H.264 / AVC Hoster: Groesse: 2840 MB | Parts: 20
Titel: Muttertag Genre: Komödie | Laufzeit: 92 Min. | Sprache/n: Deutsch Format: MPEG-4 H.264 / AVC Hoster: Groesse: 2840 MB | Parts: 20
Heute ist Gitti Schimeks erster Arbeitstag. Sie hat viel zu tun, denn das Gasthaus gilt als Geheimtipp für gute Wiener Küche. Bezirksrat Gneißer ist es .
Muttertag (1993) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
É possível avaliar quando o vídeo for alugado. Wiener Wunder Muttertag Rock Alternative Punk Indie Postpunk
Muttertag was released in the year 1993, some songs of the official soundtrack are Hand In Hand Am Palmenstrand by Mandy, In Dieser Nacht Oder Nie by Barbara Spitz .
Muttertag ist ein österreichischer Film aus dem Jahr 1992, der auf satirische und durchwegs sarkastische Weise das Wiener Kleinbürgertum anhand der Geschehnisse .
Der Muttertag ist ein Tag zu Ehren der Mutter und der Mutterschaft. Er hat sich seit 1914, beginnend in den Vereinigten Staaten, in der westlichen Welt etabliert.
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Mother's Day in Germany. Mother’s Day is a day for many people to show their appreciation towards mothers and mother figures worldwide.
Directed by Harald Sicheritz. With Alfred Dorfer, Reinhard Nowak, Andrea Händler, Eva Billisich. A satirical take on the life of a family in a public housing complex . - Muttertagsgedichte, Muttertagssprüche, Muttertagsgrüße. ist eine Muttertagsseite mit Gedichten, Sprüchen, Grüßen für den Muttertag.
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Grüße zum Muttertag
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Alles Liebe zum Muttertag
Grüße zum Muttertag
Alles Liebe zum Muttertag
Am 08. Mai ist Muttertag
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